1st I can't work without, my camera. I capture. What I think is of creativity, has movement, and can inspire. My collection.
2nd I go no where with out my phone. I have clients who call daily. And need my phone 24/7. Not only that. But it's like my company phone really. which is the Palm treo 680. Pretty old, but runs like A beauty.
3rd I cannot live w/out my Ipod, I have 2,500 songs so far, and 10 random videos. I check up on my youtube videos a lot as well. To see if anyone has questions pertaining to my how to videos.
4th My laptop. Wow. Can't stop talking about todays' technology huh. Well, obviously, I blog. So my cpu is well needed.lol. But mainly. For youtube vids. Styling ideals. And ordering fabrics from mood fabrics, and manhatten Fabrics. Both are very good places.
5th My sewing machine and A crap! load of fabric. Yes. Fabric. Since I'm A Freelance fashion designer, which is: a person who works as a writer, designer, or performer, who works by the hour, day, job, etc. rather than woorking on A reg. salary basis for one employer. Basically I'm Self-employed.
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